This article is about uploading an audio message.

If you are looking to uploading an audio message with instructor image, icons, and transcript then refer to this article.

Login as an instructor into your course.

1. Click on the Add button.

2. Click on the Audio item in the drop down menu.

3. Type a descriptive name for the audio file unit in the text box.

4. Choose Upload an audio file or Record audio directly through the web browser. If you choose to record audio, you will be prompted to give permission for the browser to do so. After uploading or record, it should display an audio player that matches the screenshot after upload is complete.

5. Save the unit.

After saving, your screen should look like this.

6. Your new audio file will appear as the last unit in your course. Click on deactivate.

7. Click on the Reorder button near the top of your page.

8. Drag the unit from the bottom of the screen to the correct location in the course.

After this step, the next staff will transfer the audio file into the Instructor's Message template.

Congratulations. You have reached the end of the this article.