This article is part 2 of the series on uploading an audio message. The first part is here.

1. Hover over the newly created audio unit containing the audio file and click on edit.

2. Click on the Code icon.

3. Copy the name of the file to your clipboard. In this case, I copied [File:#8369#]

4. Hit the Save button.

5.  Go to the week of the Instructor's Message template that you would like to edit and select edit.

6. Click on Code view in the graphical editor.  The icon is </>.

7. Open the search box of your browser type audio-frame and press enter.

8. Look for src and delete everything in between the quotation marks of src and paste in the value from Step 3. In my case, I pasted in the value [File:#8369#]. Ensure that this value is in between quotation marks.

9. Press the Save button. 

10. If Step 9 was completed successfully, you can delete the audio unit containing the audio file.


11. If the unit containing the Instructor's Message template and audio file is de-activated, activate it.

Congratulations. You have reached the end of the this article.