Welcome to the CASE Learning Portal. We understand that the learning management system may be new to you. This short guide will help you navigate all the sections applicable to using this system to complete your course successfully.

Logging In

Step 1: Logging in

1. Go to case.talentlms.com to access the homepage for the CASE Learning Portal.

2. Click Login to access the login screen. You will receive your login details from CASE before the course starts by email. Check your junk folder to ensure that it hasn’t been redirected. The email will come from TalentLMS. 

3. Type in your username (usually your email address registered with CASE).

4. Type in the password you received from CASE via email.

5. If you ever forget your password, click on the forgot password link and an email will be sent to you with instructions on how to reset your password.

Getting Started

The terms of service screen.

1. A terms of service message will appear at the top of the screen. Read over the terms of service and press the Accept button when complete. You can also re-read the message at this link.

The learner's dashboard after logging in.

2. By clicking on the message tab in the upper right-hand corner you can can send messages to your Instructor and receive responses.

3. Your dashboard is customized to your course selection. You don’t need to do anything with the buttons outlined below unless you choose to.  

    a. The Information button provides you with a few quick metrics such as how many courses you have in progress, how many you have completed and your accumulated time in the CASE learning portal. 

    b. The Name button allows you to change the order of your current courses. 

    c. The List View and Grid View buttons allow you to choose how the courses are displayed on the page. 

4. Throughout your course, you will be required to participate in group discussions. Click on “Discussions" located on the right-hand side of the screen to quickly access the discussion forums. You will also be able to access discussions within the course outline. 

An indicator will appear when new posts are added. Remember to share at least one post per discussion with your own original thoughts and ideas and then reply to your fellow learner’s posts by clicking below it.  

5. Courses that you are currently registered for will be shown on the dashboard.

6. You can always return to this screen by clicking on the CASE logo on the header navigation bar.

Course Outline

When you select your course, you will be taken to the course outline.

Course outline

1. The course outline provides a breakdown of the program by module. Each module has been designed with a similar structure.  Depending on the course, a module can contain 4-6 static units. These can include:

a. Instructors Message: In some courses a weekly audio message from the instructor will appear.  This message offers important information around what is being studied that week, learning activities and live webinars. You can access the audio file in this unit by pressing the play button. A written transcript can also be found in this unit below the audio message.  

b. Learning Module: This unit contains the key content including videos and downloadable resources.  

c. Discussion Forum: This unit provides an opportunity for learners to communicate directly with one and other to deepen their understanding of the course material.  If a discussion unit appears, learners will be required to contribute one original post and respond to their peers.   

d. LIVE Webinar: This unit contains the link to the live webinar and provides additional information around time zones.  

e. Learning Activity: This unit provides instructions for the learning activity and is where assignments can be directly uploaded for instructors to review. 

f. Knowledge Check: This unit offers a series of questions to confirm what you have learned.  This must be completed prior to moving onto the next modules. You will need to achieve 80% or higher to pass.  The quiz can be tried twice without needing assistance.  If you need to write the quiz more than twice, please reach out to your instructor to have the quiz reset.    

2. To begin your course, select the Start Course button. Need to step away from learning for a while? No worries, the system will save where you left off, and you can easily pick up at the same place the next time you log in! Note that if your course has not started yet, it will show the message "Starts on..." and the actual start button will become available as the start date arrives.

Screenshot of drip content and files section

3. Modules for the course will be released each week.

4. Towards the bottom of the Course Outline is the Files Section. Your Instructor will store files there for your reference

Navigating within the Learning Modules

Let’s become familiar with the learning module screen.

Navigating within the Learning Modules

1. Click the Overview link to access important information about the learning module.

2. The button at the bottom of the screen will tell you if you have completed the learning module before proceeding to the next stage.

3. Important! If you need to leave without completing the entire module, click the Exit Module link to save your progress.

4. To begin the module, click the Start button.

Within the Learning Module.

Navigating within the Learning Module

5. Each section of the learning module is listed in the left margin, along with the progress meter for the module.

6. To move between the sections, you need to complete the task (e.g., read, watch) and then click the Continue button. Go to the section heading in the left margin to go back to material you have already reviewed.

7. Use the slider to scroll through the content.

8. If you need to leave the learning module before completing it, click Exit Module to save your progress.

Participating in Discussion Forums

The discussion forum is where you will post your original post and respond to at least two of your fellow learner’s posts each week.

There are several ways to access a discussion forum:

a. Returning to the Course Outline

b. Clicking on Discussion on your Dashboard.

1. In the Discussion Forum, you will notice that a specific question has been posted for you to respond to.

2. By clicking on the Comment area, you can add an original post. Learners should complete this task by Thursday of each week

3. On Friday through Sunday, take a look through the posts from your fellow learners. Reflect upon their ideas and suggestions and reply to at least two posts below the original contributor.

4. An attachment can be shared to illustrate your point.

5. Click the Comment button when you would like to post your comments. If you want to edit your post, hover over your post, and a pencil will appear.

In some courses, you will also see three other discussion forums that you can participate in:

a. News – General news and announcements.

b. Course Questions – Available for any questions you may have about the course.

c. Café – The Café forum is available for any off-topic conversations.

Participating in Live Webinars


LIVE Webinars are held on Wednesday and Thursdays depending on the course. Each LIVE webinar will be conducted through Zoom.  You can participate in Zoom Webinars in one of 4 ways.

Method 1

1. Go to the Conference section in your dashboard.

2. Click on the Join button. It will be available 15 minutes before the session begins.

Method 2

Participating in Live Webinars

1.  When the date of the webinar arrives, there will be a join button from within the live webinar unit of your course. Clicking on the link will take you to your Zoom application.

Method 3

1. Click on Calendar in your dashboard.

2. Click on the event name.

3. Click on the event name again in the window that opens up to the side of the screen.

Method 4

Your instructor will mail out the Zoom link for you to join directly.

Completing your Learning Activity

While each course is different, many certificate programs have a practical assignment that is offered through the learning activity unit.  You will be provided with an assignment description, along with a request to submit a text reply, upload a file, record a video, or record an audio response. 

Completing your Learning Activity

Completing your Knowledge Check

The knowledge check is a short quiz pertaining to the information covered in the weekly learning module and live webinar. 

Completing your Knowledge Check

1. A mark of 80% is required to pass.

2. Click the Start Test button to begin

3. For each question, select your response and click the Submit Answer button.

4. At the end of the quiz, you will be given your results. For incorrect answers, a hint is provided. You will have two attempts to achieve a pass. If you are unable to pass, you will be required to go through the modules again.

Having Difficulty Opening Content

The browser that you are using may run into compatibility issues with elements of the CASE Learning Portal. You will notice this if you are unable to open documents or access files. If this happens, you will need to remove any blocks by following the instructions below.


Toggle Brave Shields on and off

1. To the right of the address bar, click on the Brave Shield's icon

2. Toggle the shields to the OFF position


1. Click the menu symbol and choose Settings.

2. In the Privacy and Security section, click Cookies and other site data.

3. Make sure you Allow all cookies.


1. Click the menu symbol and choose Settings.

2. In the Advanced settings section, click View advanced settings.

3. From the Cookies drop-down list, choose Don’t block cookies.


1. Click the menu symbol and choose Options.

2. Go to the Privacy and Security tab.

3. In the History section, choose Use custom settings for history from the Firefox will drop-down list.

4. In the Cookies and Site Data section, check to Accept cookies and site data from websites.

5. From the Accept third-party cookies and site data drop-down list, choose Always.

Need Technical Support?

We can provide technical support via phone, email, Zoom, chat, and help desk. For full details, see this article.



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Book a Zoom meeting through this link: https://calendly.com/albert-ho-case/15min

Need an Accommodation

Connect with Belinda Deenik, Director of Learning and Development: belinda@supportedemployment.ca