In this article, we will setup a Zoom unit within a course.

1. Login as an Instructor and navigate to your course, and click on Add.

2. Click on Instructor-led training in the dropdown menu.

Adding a Zoom unit.

3. Type the name of the unit (eg. Week 25: Webinar).

4. Click on Add session on the right sidebar.

Adding a Zoom unit.

5. Type the name of the session. Try to match it with the name in Step 3.

6. Enter the date.

7. Enter the time in your local time zone. This only works if your profile has the correct time zone.

8. Select the instructor from the drop down list. If your name is not there, reach out to L&D technical support.

9. For the type, select Webinar.

10. For the duration, select 60 minutes.

11. Click on Add session when complete.

12. Check your Zoom application to ensure that what you entered in the LMS is reflected in your Zoom application.

13. Toggle the Meeting Invitation link.

14. Copy the Zoom link into your clipboard.

15. Refer to editing a session in Step 5. Paste the value of the Zoom link into the Description field. Press Add session to save.

16. Now the webinar unit will show the Zoom link underneath the session name. Students will be able to join the Zoom webinars in 4 ways as described in this article: