To view and evaluate a student assignment:

Login as an instructor to the CASE Learning Portal and navigate to your course. Hover your cursor over the assignment and click on "Submissions"

Hover your cursor over the assignment and click on "Submissions"

Hover your mouse over the student that you would like to give feedback to. Click on "Check Answer" to view the answer given by your student. When checking the answer, you can also grade the assignment.

Hover your mouse over the student that you would like to give feedback to.

There are additional options available to you. Hover your mouse over the student that you would like to give feedback to. Under the "Options" column, click on the "Download" icon to download the assignment for viewing.

Under the "Options" column, click on the "Download" icon the assignment for viewing

To send a message to your student, click on the "Email" icon. A message to the student will be viewable from the learning portal's inbox and from the student's email provider's inbox.

To send a message to your student, click on the "Email" icon

To mark an assignment, click on the "Pencil" icon.

To mark an assignment, click on the "Pencil" icon.

In the modal window, select that "Status" of the assignment. Also input a Grade and a Comment. Press "Save" to submit the feedback to the learner.

In the modal window, select that "Status" of the assignment. Also input a Grade and a Comment. Press "Save" to submit the feedback to the learner.

If you would like to review a evaluation, go to the Status column and click on the status icon. It may say Passed, Pending, or Not Passed.