Automatic notification emails from the learning portal are used for a variety of purposes.  Some of them are:

  • Receiving your login name and password for the first time
  • Forgetting your username
  • Resetting your password
  • Notification that your assignment has been marked
  • Notification that you have been assigned to a new course
  • Notification that someone has replied to your discussion post

The automatic email will always come from: and it is very likely that depending on your email provider and how your inbox has been setup, it could end up in your spam, junk, or trash folder.  If you were expecting an email and did not receive it, that would be a good place to check. To ensure that it does not end up there, please add to your safe sender's list in your email application.

Below are some guides from some of the popular email providers:  Each link will open in a new tab.



