Submit an assignment

To submit an assignment in the learning portal, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to specific learning activity unit of your course.

2. In the learning activity unit, go to the bottom of the screen, and submit your assignment in one of the five methods, including Text reply, upload file, record video, record audio, and record screen.  Choose the one that you are most comfortable with.

3. If you are texting your answer like the screenshot below, ensure to click on "Send your reply and continue."


Modify an assignment

To modify your assignment submission, follow these steps below:

1. Navigate to specific learning activity unit of your course.

2.In the learning activity unit, go to the bottom of the screen, and click on "Modify Answer."

3. For example, if you had texted your reply, select it again.

4. Type your modified answer into the text box and click on "Send your reply."  Your most recent submission will be the one that your instructor sees.

NOTE:  You can only modify an assignment if your instructor has setup a specific assignment in a course to be considered complete when the instructor accepts the answer.  If your instructor has setup a specific assignment to be considered complete as soon as you upload it, then it can't be modified.

Viewing an assignment feedback

1. Navigate to the specific learning activity of your course.

2. In the learning activity, go to the bottom of the screen.

3.Click on "Instructor Reply" to view your assigned grade and comments.